Good News! Finally the Ratu Kebaya Competition is here!!
Rules & Regulations:
1) Distributors and Supervisors of Herbydiets are allowed to join this contest. Competition is solely for the team members only. However, if distributors from other team that wishes to join, they are welcome to participate but no prizes will be given away if they happens to be the winner.
2) Post your best shot of you in the sexy baju kebaya and a picture of you before consuming the miracle shakes.
3) Write a story about what happen when your friends,relatives,family members seen the new changes or comments about you after consuming the miracle shakes.
4) Posting of your pictures & accompanied with stories from 13th October 2008- 24th October 2008.
5) This is a voting competition. You can invite your friends to come and support you. However, before your friend able to do so, they will be required to register to this forum to have the access of voting and do email to to tell us your friend who invited you to join this forum and also the user id that you have registered in this forum. Administrator will then activate the account.
6) Voting period will only start from 25th October - 5th November 2008.
7) Should there be no participants, the contest will not carry on.
8.) Should there be winner, they are required to bear for the postage charges for the prize.
1st Runner Up
* 1 x Formula 1
2nd Runner Up
* 1 x 50g Tea Mix
3rd Runner Up
* 1 x Shampoo + Conditioner
Saya nak lengkapkan maklumat yang diperlukan dekat blog dulu, lepas tu copy and paste ke dalam forum...
Here we go!
To do;
2) Post your best shot of you in the sexy baju kebaya and a picture of you before consuming the miracle shakes.
3) Write a story about what happen when your friends,relatives,family members seen the new changes or comments about you after consuming the miracle shakes.
Tak ramai yang sedar that im losing weight. sebab, walaupun berat dah turun, tapi perubahan tidak begitu ketara. Mungkin kerana penurunan berlaku secara sangat perlahan. Selain daripada itu, jumlah berat yang turun juga sedikit.
Hanya rakan-rakan terdekat yang sedar akan perubahan saya. Sebelum ni perut saya boroi giler..bayangkan ketika berputus untuk mencuba herbalife, berat saya adalah 89 kg dengan ukuran pinggang 38 inci. Sekarang saya sudah mampu tersenyum ketika menyarungkan jeans dan slack bersize 34 inci biarpun perut masih lagi eklihatan buncit dan spare tyre jelas kelihatan. Berat terkini tak pasti lagi sbb setelah menangguhkan pengambilan shakes semasa hari raya, berat saya adalah sekitar 80kg.
Kelmarin ketika menggayakan kebaya biru gelap ku itew, seorang rakan telah menegur dan menyatakan bahawa sekarang potongan badan saya mmg sudah jelas kelihatan. bahagian pinggang sudah mula mengecil...
saya berharap akan terus dapat mengurangkan lagi berat dengan herbalife sehingga mencapai berat sasaran iaitu 75kg untuk penghujung tahun ini.
Perhatikan gambar di atas dan senaraikan sendiri perubahan yang tidak begitu ketara terhadap diri saya....hopefully lebih banyak perkembangan positif di masa akan datang.
~ke arah angsa putih yang cantik~
~the dream will be yours if you believe in yourself~
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