Friday, October 31, 2008

Week 63

Dengan dukacita, saya memaklumkan, minggu ni berat saya naik semula....
it's 80.5kg...
tapi, saya boleh listkan kenapa berat saya naik. Ini adalah kerana;
1. dalam seminggu ni asyik buat maintenance jer (1 shake per day)
2. dalam seminggu ni asyik makan kuih raya jer...
3. dalam seminggu ni..kuat giler makan...
4. malam tadi, makan banyak giler....huish..gilosh ke apa...
5. dah masuk minggu ke 2 buat excercise, muscle naik sikit...sikit jer pun...
6. dekat nak period..(patut pun selera amkan semacam...)
7. meeting, kenalah makan....

walau bagamanapun, sebagai seorang yang kuat semangat - tambah2 lagi kawan2 sudah sering memuji bahawa badan dan perut ku ini sudah mengecil...saya tidak akan berhenti di sini...

So, ni dia langkah/tindakan pembetulan yang akan diambil dan minggu depan, saya nak timbang lagi...
1. nak kerapkan lagi senaman..pagi dan petang kalau boleh. Cakap pasal senaman, 1st to 7th days dulu, saya akan berhenti tak sampai 5 minit pun..skrg stamina ada ok juga...yesterday dah boleh cycle + walking (air walk), buat gilir-gilirlah sejauh 6km...mlm tadi baut lagik...8km...wah ,..ini sudah selanjutnya adalah bersenam selepas subuh dan petang...2 kali seharilah kononnya....
2. Ambil 2 shakes sehari...last week buat maintenance jer..tu pasal arr mendadak dangdut (eh mendadak naik) tu...
3. Berat air je agaknya, sbb senang sangat berat nak naik......
4. tak payah letak banyak2 tindakan pembetulan..sikit2 dulu..n kita tengok berkesan ke tak....

Okla worry ya.....teruskan berusaha dan jangan putus asa....


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TULWC: WoTA Archive

TULWC: WoTA (Date to Remember + my progress)

Start: 15 Jul : 79.7kg
Week 1: 15th Jul - 22th Jul :80.0kg
Week 2: 21st Jul - 27th Jul :79.5kg
Week 3: 28th Jul - 3rd Aug :79.1kg
Week 4: 4th Aug - 10th Aug : 79.2kg
Week 5: 11th Aug - 17th Aug : 80.2kg
Week 6: 18th Aug - 24th Aug : 79.5kg
Week 7: 25th Aug -31st Aug : 79.1kg
Week 8: 1st Sep - 7th Sep : 78.5kg
Week 9: 8th Sep - 14th Sep : 78.0kg
Week 10: 15th Sep- 21st Sep : 78.0kg :(
Week 11: 22th Sep - 28th Sep : 78.4 kg :(
Total Lost: 78.4 kg - 79.7 kg = 1.3 kg

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 61 and Week 62

Minggu lepas berat dah turun 2.3 kg menjadi 78.2kg. Tapi minggu ni naik laks...79.9kg
banyak tuuu...
mmg mcm ni ke kesan bersenam setiap hari?? anggapkan ye jelah ek....

kenapa tiba2 bersenam? sebab sekarang dah ada orbitrac.....eheheh...

test yesterday? okla..n hopefully dpt aras 4...amin..


Monday, October 20, 2008

Dewi dan Test

Kawan-kawan...kalau dalam minggu ni saya tak reply shoutbox, mohon dimaafkan yea..
saya tgh pulun study untuk PTK sbb this time target nak dapat aras 4, then kalau dah dpt aras 4, dpt gak arr naik gaji..

PTK - Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan. Test untuk org gomen. Ada 2 paper, umum and khusus. Umum dah dpt 4, khusus masih kantoi...
Aras 4 - lulus cemerlang gemilang terbilang ..nak anik gaji, 2-2 paper kena dpt 4...

itu sajalah update dari saya...sekian, terima kaji...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 60 & Week 61

Week 58: 26 Sep 08 = 78.4kg (apa sudah jadi!)
Week 59: 3 Oct 08 = n/a
Week 60: 10 Oct 08 = 80.5 kg (naik 2.1kg)
Week 61: 17 Oct 08 = 78.2 kg ( wallauwee..turun 2.3kg. Gilosh)

Hahah jer perkembanga di atas tu..sebelum balik raya, berat saya adalah 78.4 kg. Balik dari kampung (skip shakes abt 2 minggu), berat naik 2.1kg menjadi 80.5kg. Start shakes abt 1 week and 1 day puasa ganti, turun lebih banyak dari kenaikan sebelum ni iaitu 2.3kg menjadikan berat beta 78.2 kg.

ok..lepas ni ada meeting, kena stop dulu ek..tata...n..lalalalala...

++ Update..
Baru balik dari bengkel/meeting dan ada lagi kawan told me that im losing weight...haha....
sebenarnya ada org bagitau dia yg saya dah kecik sket n she told me it's true...saya nampak dah kecik sikittt...oklah tu..berbunga jugaklah hati ni...:))

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ratu Kebaya Competition

Good News! Finally the Ratu Kebaya Competition is here!!

Rules & Regulations:
1) Distributors and Supervisors of Herbydiets are allowed to join this contest. Competition is solely for the team members only. However, if distributors from other team that wishes to join, they are welcome to participate but no prizes will be given away if they happens to be the winner.
2) Post your best shot of you in the sexy baju kebaya and a picture of you before consuming the miracle shakes.
3) Write a story about what happen when your friends,relatives,family members seen the new changes or comments about you after consuming the miracle shakes.
4) Posting of your pictures & accompanied with stories from 13th October 2008- 24th October 2008.

5) This is a voting competition. You can invite your friends to come and support you. However, before your friend able to do so, they will be required to register to this forum to have the access of voting and do email to to tell us your friend who invited you to join this forum and also the user id that you have registered in this forum. Administrator will then activate the account.
6) Voting period will only start from 25th October - 5th November 2008.
7) Should there be no participants, the contest will not carry on.
8.) Should there be winner, they are required to bear for the postage charges for the prize.


1st Runner Up
* 1 x Formula 1

2nd Runner Up
* 1 x 50g Tea Mix

3rd Runner Up
* 1 x Shampoo + Conditioner

Saya nak lengkapkan maklumat yang diperlukan dekat blog dulu, lepas tu copy and paste ke dalam forum...

Here we go!
To do;
2) Post your best shot of you in the sexy baju kebaya and a picture of you before consuming the miracle shakes.
klik gambar untuk larger image
3) Write a story about what happen when your friends,relatives,family members seen the new changes or comments about you after consuming the miracle shakes.
Tak ramai yang sedar that im losing weight. sebab, walaupun berat dah turun, tapi perubahan tidak begitu ketara. Mungkin kerana penurunan berlaku secara sangat perlahan. Selain daripada itu, jumlah berat yang turun juga sedikit.
Hanya rakan-rakan terdekat yang sedar akan perubahan saya. Sebelum ni perut saya boroi giler..bayangkan ketika berputus untuk mencuba herbalife, berat saya adalah 89 kg dengan ukuran pinggang 38 inci. Sekarang saya sudah mampu tersenyum ketika menyarungkan jeans dan slack bersize 34 inci biarpun perut masih lagi eklihatan buncit dan spare tyre jelas kelihatan. Berat terkini tak pasti lagi sbb setelah menangguhkan pengambilan shakes semasa hari raya, berat saya adalah sekitar 80kg.
Kelmarin ketika menggayakan kebaya biru gelap ku itew, seorang rakan telah menegur dan menyatakan bahawa sekarang potongan badan saya mmg sudah jelas kelihatan. bahagian pinggang sudah mula mengecil...
saya berharap akan terus dapat mengurangkan lagi berat dengan herbalife sehingga mencapai berat sasaran iaitu 75kg untuk penghujung tahun ini.
Perhatikan gambar di atas dan senaraikan sendiri perubahan yang tidak begitu ketara terhadap diri saya....hopefully lebih banyak perkembangan positif di masa akan datang.
~ke arah angsa putih yang cantik~
~the dream will be yours if you believe in yourself~

Dewi dengan Kebayanya?

Tak semak lagi syarat untuk pertandingan ratu kebaya...
Tapi sebab saya dah janji nak pose dengan kebaya, kena tunaikanlah...
tapi kebaya saya ni tak outstanding laks rasanya...lepas ni nak beli kain n suruh tailor yang mahal sket arrr..huhuhu.....duit duit dimana kau duit...

okla..gambar ni agak bler2 arr...photographer yg suka tangkap gambar saya tu busy xderla dpt banyak gambar.... :(

kalau nak bagi clear, kena klik kat gamba..Testimoni diri sendiri - badan masih lagi lebar seperti sebelumnya...tapi perut buncit ku mmg tak kelihatan...wpun pada hakikatnya masih ada..terutama kalau pakai jeans..mmg jelas ketara..spare tyre yg dah pancet tu... saya sukalah...dgn herbalife..wpun blm lagi berhasil menguruskan badan...tapi badan ada kecil juga..postur badan ada improve juga..muka ada kecil juga...saya cukup puas hati, malah lebih daripada tu.

Nak kuruskan badan dengan herbalife, tetapi terbantut hasrat sbb nampak tak banyak berat saya yang turun? jangan begitu. Belum cuba belum tahu. Wpun saya tak mengalami penurunan berat badan yang banyak, tapi saya dpt banyak faedah dari herbalife seperti membantu meng'ejas' hormon saya supaya menjadi 'wanita sejati' :) --> ayat2 iklan ni ditaja oleh diri sendiri.....

Herm..nak compare gak ke sebelum dan selepas..sbb rasanya xder beza..sbb berat pun maintain lagi......takyah la ek... tp kalau rajin..saya compare gak arr...

Till then...chiow...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cinta Sejati Langit dan Laut

Saya suka citer ni...yesterday buat housekeeping mailbox n jumpalah dlm sent item...
Sementara tunggu update pasal berat saya, layan ni dulu.....


Cinta Sejati Langit dan Laut

Dahulukala, langit dan laut saling jatuh cinta. Mereka saling
menyukai di antara satu sama lain. Oleh sebab sangat sukanya laut
terhadap langit, warna laut sama dengan warna langit. Oleh sebab
sangat sukanya langit terhadap laut, warna langit sama denga warna

Setiap senja datang, si laut dengan lembut sekali membisikkan kata-
kata `Aku Cinta Padamu’ ke telinga langit. Setiap kali langit
mendengar bisikan penuh cinta laut terhadapnya, langit tidak
menjawab apa-apa , hanya tersipu-sipu malu dengan wajah kemerah-

Suatu hari, datanglah awan. Melihat kecantikan si langit, awan terus
jatuh hati terhadap langit, bak cinta pandang pertama. Tetapi tentu
sahaja langit hanya setia mencintai laut. Setiap hari, langit hanya
mahu melihat laut sahaja. Awan berasa sedih tetapi ia tidak berputus
asa mencari cara dan akhirnya mendapat satu akal. Awan mengembangkan
dirinya seluas dan sebesar mungkin serta menyusup ke tengah-tengah
di antara langit dan laut. Ia berusaha menghalangi pandangan langit
dan laut terhadap satu sama lain.

Laut berasa marah kerana tidak dapat melihat langit. Laut
mengeluarkan gelombangnya bagi mengusir awan yang mengganggu
pandangannya. Tetapi tentu sekali usahanya tidak berhasil. Lalu
datanglah angin yang sejak dulu mengetahui hubungan cinta langit dan
laut. Angin berasakan perlu membantu langit dan laut menyingkirkan
awan yang mengganggu perhubungan mereka yang sekian lama terjalin.

Dengan tiupan keras dan kuat, angin meniup awan. Lantas terpecah-
pecahlah awan menjadi berselerak ke banyak bahagian, sehingga ia
tidak berupaya lagi melihat langit dengan jelas dan tidak mampu lagi
untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya terhadap langit. Kerana rasa
terseksa menanggung perasaan cinta yang menggunung tinggi terhadap
langit, awan menangis sedih.

Hingga sekarang, kasih antara langit dan laut tidak dapat
dipisahkan. Kita juga dapat melihat di mana mereka menjalin kasih.
Setiap kali memandang ke hujung laut, di mana ada garisan horizon
yang menemukan langit dan laut, di situlah mereka sedang berpacaran.

Monday, October 13, 2008

pfs6450 "Tag shoutbox: (jwp jgn xjwp ok) name 5 thing u try to avoid today"

Jawapan untuk hari ni...sorry lambat jawab...

1. Lunch - nak gantikan lunch dengan shake saje...boleh ke ni?
2. Meeting with Vendor - malas nya nak pergi..tapi pasti tak dapat nak avoid punyer...tapi try jugak..hhahahahaha..
3. Malas nak buat kerja - susah betul nak avoid yang satu ni..biasalah..monday blues katakan... tak monday pun kadang2 tu blues jugak..wahahah..
4. Thinking about YOU :) - yang ni bukan thinking abt my dearest bloggers friend taw, ni thinking abt somebody yang saya pernah gila-gilakan kejap tu..tapi..skrg ni dah dpt control dah..takderla gila byg sgt...sbb dah berputus asalah semenjak hari raya hari tu..almost every night mimpikan dia jer..angau 2-3 menjak (hari) ni dah ok dah... mungkin sbb dah jumpa kot.. apa2pun dah taknak meletak harapan dah...
5. Suara buluh perindu - hahaha...bosan betul dengar suara yg off key tu..dia dah masuk kerja dah...mulalah tu..nak memekak tak tentu pasal, buat jokes bodo bagai..mak aih..kutuk org saya mmg alergik arr dgn suara minah sorang ni....maafkan hamba terbaik..mari kita dengar lagu......

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Belangsungkawa untuk blog saya Memoirs@

Sangat Sedih Sekali....

My Personal blog telah terdelete secara tidak sengaja sebentar tadi. Hancur luluh rasanya hati ini...
sangat sedih sekali....

So, kena mulakan personal blog barulah nampaknya..mungkin ada hikmah yang kita tak nampak kan?
Sekali betul2 tata.....dengan blog2 aku sekali dia tata...fuh...

Lifestyle Health Check for dcd79 - 9/10/2008 @

Tadi buat test di dan inilah result dia..tak habis baca lagi ni...

Weight Concern
your personal report for dcd79 - 9/10/2008

Thank you for taking time to complete the Lifestyle Health Check. Below is your personalised report, which gives you feedback about your lifestyle and eating habits. We also make some suggestions for leading a healthy life. We hope you will find this useful.

Body mass index (or BMI) is a measure used to assess weight. It is a ratio of your weight and height. It is not a perfect measure, but gives a rough idea. If you do a lot of exercise, and have built up a lot of muscle, it is likely to be less accurate. Your BMI is 39.1 which puts you into the very overweight range.

In Britain, 53.3% of female adults are classified as overweight or obese. By losing just a modest amount of weight, you could be reducing your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and fertility problems etc.

Waist Measurement
Health professionals are starting to use waist measurements more commonly as an indicator of how someone’s weight is affecting their health. This is because having a lot of fat on your stomach is more of a health risk than fat on other parts of your body. Your waist measures 102 cm - this is well above the recommended level, and you bring substantial health benefits by bringing your waist measurement closer towards the recommended range.

Weight History
Many people put on weight gradually throughout their adult life, and it is fairly easy to do so without really noticing. Others may put on weight more quickly and there may be reasons that they can identify for this.

Your weight puts you into the overweight BMI range and you say that it has gone up in the past 5 years/ over adult life. Preventing further weight gain is the most important first step in weight management and staying healthy. You can achieve this by making changes to eating and activity patterns. Once your weight gain has levelled off, you may then decide that you wish to make further changes to lose weight, and we recommend that you do this gradually.

You also mention that your weight has not gone up and down too much in the last 5 years/ over adult life. Although studies do not seem to show serious long-term physical or psychological health effects of weight cycling, it makes sense to avoid it if you can! Making small gradual changes to eating and activity patterns, rather than strict dieting, are easier to stick to in the long-term.

Weight and Health
You say that you would like to weigh 60 kg, which is less than your current weight. As your weight is above the healthy range, losing a modest amount of weight (5-10kg) will bring with it significant health benefits. Remember though that it is important to make changes which you will be able to keep up in the long-term, otherwise any weight you have managed to lose will go straight back on.

You say that you have never been told that you have a raised blood pressure or raised cholesterol level. These are both risk factors for heart disease. You can help to keep these at healthy levels by eating healthily and keeping active.

Eating Habits

Eating well is important for health regardless of your weight. If you do want to lose some weight then healthy eating is a central part of this. But, even if you do not want or need to lose any weight, moving towards a healthier way of eating can bring with it numerous health benefits. For example, a healthy heart and reduced cancer risk.

Meal Patterns
People who have a regular eating pattern tend to have lower cholesterol, better blood glucose control and lower weight. A regular eating pattern can also help control overeating. So this is an important part of weight control and a starting point of any healthy eating plan for those who do not eat regularly at present. From what you told us in the questionnaire, you already have a regular eating pattern, which gives you a head start. You should stick with it while concentrating on adjusting what you eat and how much.

Building up good meal time habits and making time to enjoy food can really help with getting healthy eating habits in place for you and, if you have children, the whole family. You say that you most often eat lunch at a desk. Eating at your desk can mean that you simply don't have the time to get away. Although modern work can be pressured, having a break for food (however short!) is important for healthy meal patterns as well as general well being. You say that you most often eat dinner at a table. Eating at the table is a great first step to relaxing and enjoying food, in addition, it is an important example to set if you have children.

Eating Out
Eating out can be an important and enjoyable part of life, but when we eat outside the home, we tend to eat larger portions. We consume more fat and calories too.

You say that you eat meals out regularly. This could mean that you are eating more fat and calories than you expect. You also say that when you buy these foods, you don't particularly look for healthy choices. Making some healthier choices when out could make a real difference to your food intake, and may be something that you consider.

Food Shopping
Aim to make your home a healthy food zone! Although it sounds obvious, you can only eat the foods that are available to you. It is much more difficult to resist those chocolate biscuits on the kitchen table than it is to avoid buying them in the first place!

At the moment, you do not seem to focus so much on making healthy choices when food shopping. There may be some small things that you could begin to do to make your home a healthier food zone.

Things Affecting Your Eating
Lots of different things affect our eating. We need food in order to supply our bodies with energy and nutrients, however there are many other reasons that may cause us to eat as well!

You say that you sometimes eat when not physically hungry. You also say that you often eat when bored and sometimes eat if worried, stressed, depressedThis could be adding extra calories and may even leave you not feeling in complete control of your eating. . It can be helpful to look at some of these different things that are affecting your eating. Are there any other ways that do not involve food that you could use in these situations?

Food Choices
It is important to include a good balance of foods in your diet, in order to provide your body with all of the nutrients it needs to function properly. This is done by eating a range of different foods. You already have some balance to your eating. For example, including:
. starchy foods
. fish

There are other things that you could consider doing as well. For example:
. include some dairy (if liked) or alternative calcium-containing foods
. include some protein foods each day (eg. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts, tofu, pulses etc)
. work toward the 5+ per day fruit and vegetable recommendations

Fruit and veg
Fruit and vegetables are a good source of fibre as well as vitamins and minerals. You say you are eating 0-2 servings of fruit a week and eating 0-2 servings of vegetables a week. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables helps to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. But most people in the UK don't eat enough fruit or vegetables - on average we eat only about 3 servings a day. It is recommended that people eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

According to your questionnaire answers, you need to think of ways to eat more fruit and vegetables.

Eating too much fat can mean overloading on calories and can increase blood cholesterol if you eat a lot of saturated (or animal) fat. Many of us eat too much fat.

Taking a look at your fat consumption could help in your efforts to lose some weight.

You already make food choices that will be helping to keep your fat intake at a healthy level. For example:
. not adding fat to sandwiches, other bread
. not using rich or creamy sauces and dressings
. not choosing chocolates or sweets for snacks
. not choosing cakes or pastries for snacks

There may be other things that you consider doing as well. For example:
. not adding fat to starchy foods (such as potatoes, rice, pasta, noodles, bread)
. having moderate portions of meat
. choosing lean cuts of meat
. not adding fat to vegetables and potatoes
. choosing low fat dairy foods
. choosing reduced or low fat margarine or spreads
. not eating puddings other than fruit

High fibre foods help to keep your gut healthy, contain health-giving vitamins and minerals and also help to fill you up. You say that you don't often eat wholegrain foods or pulses, and are not meeting the 5+ per day fruit and vegetable recommendations. Gradually increasing your intake of these foods will be helping to boost your fibre intake as well as your intake of other vitamins and minerals.

Type of fat
You say that you don't usually use an unsaturated vegetable oil for cooking. These types of fat are considered better for your heart than saturated animal fats like butter and cream. This is because your body makes cholesterol out of this saturated fat, so it may contribute to a raised blood cholesterol. Changing the types of fat you use may be a change that you consider. Oily fish contains a particularly beneficial type of fat called omega-3 fatty acids. This can help to keep your heart healthy. Examples of oily fish are salmon, trout, mackerel and sardines. You say that you regularly include fish in your diet, try to make one of these portions from oily fish.

You say that you drink at least 6-8 cups of non-alcoholic fluid per day. This is excellent - you need this to stay well hydrated.

Processed foods
You say that you do not often have processed foods or ready made meals. Processed foods tend to contain more fat and salt that home-made, so it is good that these are not an everyday part of your diet.

Chocolates, sweets, cakes and pastries contain a lot of fat and/or sugar, so it is good that you are not eating these on a regular basis. This is a good habit so try to maintain it!

Thoughts about eating more healthily
You say that you are already making changes to your eating. Well done, but remember it is important to keep these up in the long term. You might wish to build upon these changes.

Making changes to your eating (or indeed any changes) requires thought and planning. People who are most successful have thought through what would be involved and are really ready to do it. Spend some time thinking what you can fit into your life at the moment!

Stress can affect your wellbeing and also influence your chances of making successful changes to lifestyle (for example eating more healthily or becoming more active). You do not seem to be unduly affected by life stresses at the moment. If you decide that you want to make some changes to your lifestyle, now could be a good time for you to start and suceed!

Smoking is the single most damaging habit for health. It is recommended that all smokers quit as a priority above all other lifestyle changes. It is a big plus to your health that you are not smoking.

The recommendations for alcohol intake are that you should keep within sensible limits. For women, this means no more than 2 units of alcohol a day, with regular alcohol-free days. For men, it means no more than 3 units a day, with regular alcohol-free days.

As you probably know, research suggests that moderate drinking (1 or 2 units a day) might offer some protection against coronary heart disease and stroke for men aged over 40 and for post-menopausal women. However, alcohol can have other consequences on health - for example it can raise blood pressure.

If you are aiming at weight loss or preventing weight gain, alcohol means 'empty calories'. For example, a pint of ordinary beer has 180 calories but doesn't have the nutrients that we need, such as starchy carbohydrate, protein, vitamins or minerals.

You say that on average you have approximately 0 to 7 units of alcohol per week. From the point of view of your general health, the amount you say you are drinking is within the recommended level for a woman.

From the point of view of your weight, cutting right down on alcohol will help you prevent further weight gain and possibly lose weight.

From the point of view of your weight, cutting right down on alcohol will help you prevent further weight gain and possible lose weight.

It is also recommended that you have regular alcohol free days. You say that you have alcohol free days on 3 or more days per week. It is recommended that people have regular alcohol free days, so try to keep doing this.

Physical Activity
You say that your day to day life involves mainly sitting and is therefore quite sedentary.

The recommendations for physical activity are to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity 5 or more times per week. These are the minimum amounts, and you probably need to do even more than this to get the full benefits!

You don't seem to be very active at the moment. Maybe you could identify some ways to move a little closer towards the activity recommendations?

You say that you are not currently interested in being more active. You might wish to come back to this at a later date.

Below is a summary of some of the main points in your Personalised Report.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We hope that you have found it interesting and informative! For more detailed information and advice on the topics covered in the Lifestyle Health Check, see the sections on Losing Weight, Healthy Eating and Exercise on the Weight Concern website. We have done our best to test this personalised report but if you think your results contain an error please report it to us by emailing

Updates & Miscellaneous

Dear all,
Ada beberapa perkara yang saya update.....

1. Shoutbox - ramainya yang menjerit di dalam kotak jerit saya. cikemi, eza, koko, fiza, pfs, rozey, alinx, kimiey and sobby...tq sbb memenuhkan rumah saya wpun saya takder kat rumah... slmt hari raya and saya dah kembali ke office... sobby, pertandingan ratu kebaya? sebab demam punya pasal..sampai hari ni tak sempat nak posing lagi... agak2nya stella akan extend ke tak ek masa pertandingan??

2. Raya dan demam - raya ni saya demam. dah lama gak arr tak pernah demam time raya..hari ni dah raya ke 9, tp saya masih lagi demam..nak kata terlebih minum coke, xder gak..minum air kosong je selalu..

3. Herbalife Shakes - telah ditinggalkan semenjak 27/9/2008 sehingga yesterday 8/10/2008. Total number of days without herbalife = 12 hari. Hari ni dah start balik.

4. Berat terkini - masuk je rumah selepas perjalanan yang jauh, saya terus naik atas scale. mcm yang ku jangka, berat ku naik gilosh. 81.1kg :(. Tapi pagi tadi timbang, 80.6kg...mcm mana ni...tak taula..tengokla dlm minggu ni mcm mana..sbb abru start ambil Herbalife semula..rasanya dapatla cover balik kot..lagipun skrg tengah menses....

5. Period - herm..Alhamdulilah, period saya masih ok..wpun jarak harinya masih tidak mengikut kitaran yang normal...tetapi setiap bulan pasti akan ada. Nampaknya hormon saya dah ok dah..cuma kena mantapkan lagi..wakakaka

6. Pertandingan ratu kebaya - kalau stella batalkan perandingan ni sekalipun, saya akan tetap pose dengan kebaya. tapi tak tau lagi bila..sbb tengah demam ni...xder mood ank pose..muka pun nampak mcm menyakitkan mata je tengok...hahaha

okla..enuff for now..kena semak balik jadual ni...nak tengok kot2 ada kerja yang perlu disiapkan segera
